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Piazza Pisacane Square

Piazza Pisacane Square

The Pisacane square is in the historical centre of the town and is also called "The Vegetable Square".

Historical photograph of Piazza Pisacane


“Piazzetta delle erbe” dates back to the early eighteenth century; in 1790 the fish market was added, now used as exhibition area.


Piazza Pisacane, Cervia


In the past it was used for exchanges and trading, today piazzetta delle erbe is one of the most charming corners in Cervia, with two precious “jewels”: the old fish market which was used until a few decades ago, and the pietra delle misure, an ancient measurement table from Cervia Vecchia.
According to the original plan, the space occupied by piazzetta delle erbe was supposed to be the inner courtyard of the Municipal Palace. The project, however, was never completed and what was supposed to be a lush garden became a square for exchanges and trading.



Piazza Pisacane, Cervia


This is the venue of the old fish market, which nowadays is a restaurant.
At the back of the Municipal Palace, overlooking piazzetta delle erbe, you can see the pietra delle misure, an ancient table dating back to 1636 with the “True Cervia measurement matrix", the units of measurement for use by locals and foreigners: one of them is the "Passo", a sort of tape measure for fabrics, then there is the "Quadrè", the benchmark for floor tiles.

Around the mid-1960s, having rested a table against a plane tree in piazzetta delle erbe, Signora Maria started selling the famous piadina bread from Romagna: according to many senior citizens in Cervia, she was the first here to conduct this trade in the open air.

During the year, in piazzetta delle erbe there are prestigious events, street markets and concerts.

Where: Piazza Carlo Pisacane, Cervia



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