Animal services
If your friend is a cat, all you have to do is check that the hotel you have chosen accepts small pets, bearing in mind that about 70% of the accommodation facilities in Cervia now have this option. Of course, it will be up to you to keep an eye on your kitten, to avoid unpleasant escapes and not to bring it into the dining room where pets are not allowed.
However, if your holiday companion is a dog, it is important to always announce its arrival when you make your hotel reservation and specify its size, because if it is very large your hotel manager may need to organise it better. Remember, however, that not all hotel guests like dogs, so don't impose the presence of "Fido" on others and try to make sure he doesn't bark during the night.
Dogs on the beach
The Harbour Master's Office prohibits dogs and cats from entering the beach during the summer bathing season, but the Emilia Romagna Region's Bathing Ordinance authorises municipalities to accept them as long as they are in designated areas.
The Municipality of Cervia allows animals to be admitted from 6.00 am to 8.00 am and from 9.00 pm to midnight, by means of the appropriate gangways and platforms, exclusively on the shoreline and in the stretch of water, as long as they comply with all regulations and are not dangerous or disturbing to the public peace. During the winter bathing season, access is allowed without time restrictions in compliance with the same regulations.
In the Municipality of Cervia there are six areas equipped for dogs:
114 Sara Beach bathing centre - Pinarella
Tel. 0544 987323
122 Italia bathing centre - Pinarella
Tel. 0544 980081 - 333 6469466
131 Delfino bathing centre - Pinarella
Tel. 0544 970975
191 Ben bathing centre - Cervia
Tel. 0544 973728
302 Azzurra bathing centre - Milano Marittima
Tel. 0544 994205
312 Del Pino bathing centre - Milano Marittima
Tel. 0544 994372
313 Dario bathing centre - Milano Marittima
Tel. 0544 994572
314 Dario bathing centre - Milano Marittima
tel. 0544 994572