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CerviaSale, CerviaMare

CerviaSale, CerviaMare

Two itineraries at the discover of the salt and sea town, its history and its traditions. Both start from San Michele Tower.

Cervia Sale, Cervia Mare - logoBoth itineraries Cerviasale and CerviaMare start from San Michele Tower.
Two new itineraries at the discover of the salt and sea town, its history and its traditions.

You can follow both itineraries on foot or by bike. At each stop a game for children and a Braille text.

 Cervia Sale, Cervia Mare - mappa


The itinerary crosses the old town centre, bringing out the most important places which are connected with the history and the identity of salt:


The itinerary goes along the Fishermen's Neighbourhood as far as the places of the seafaring tradition:

  • the lighthouse,
  • the harbour,
  • the Bathing Establishment Lido on the promenade at the end of Viale Roma, where once the first bathing establishment was built.
  • The last stop is in the area of the colonies, before the pinewood of Pinarella, to remember these places, once very diffuse, where children could get stronger and play together.
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