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Solidarity Gala

Solidarity Gala

13th edition. Vocal opera concert for charity

Gran Galà della solidarietà, locandina novembre 2022

A combination of solidarity and culture for the 13th Solidarity Gala. The proceeds will be donated to the "Impronte di Solidarietà" Association, with the aim of raising funds for the disabled children of Cervia, while at the same time offering a captivating show for the public.
This year's musical and artistic proposal features sopranos  Nicoletta Zanini and Veronica Ungureanu, tenors Christian Cola and Gabriele Cimminopianist Raffaella Benini, the Ghironda Trio with soprano Monica PolettiLorenzo Morigi on flute and Angela Marconi on guitar..

The students of Gloria Guidazzi's dance school will perform.

Presented by Bettina della Maggiore and Simona Rossi.

Photo and video Stefano Morelli.

Advance ticket sales
ACI Cervia
Via XX Settembre, 147
Tel. 0544 71336


Tuesday 22nd November 2022


9.15 p.m.


Town Theatre

Cervia - Via XX Settembre 125


guided offer € 10.00

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