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The configuration in a given structural type of forest or pine forest comprises stands characterised by different parameters, such as plant size, density, cover, distribution and regeneration. One can distinguish structural types of the same age (even-aged) or of different ages (uneven-aged).
In nature, it is difficult to find areas of a certain size characterised by even-aged plants. This occurs rarely, and in places where severe environmental conditions, large fires or massive pest attacks lead to great devastation, thus replacing the structure of the original affected area with a even-aged structure.
Generally, in natural spaces, birth, growth and death occur in such a way that they do not create disturbances in the system, which presents a structure resulting in the coexistence of young and old plants. The uneven-aged structure is characterised by the mixing of plants of different ages, with different vertical planes, making it ecologically more interesting because it is able to host greater biodiversity.
As you walk, observe the undergrowth,
sharpen your eyesight and try to distinguish the different patches of shrubs
that have colonised the lower layer of the pine forest.
How many can you recognise?
The area includes tree formations of different ages of development, as well as spontaneous renewals of tree plants.
Dense areas of scrubland alternate with brighter, more open glades.
The vertical distribution consists of several overlapping layers, while the horizontal distribution seems to have no apparent order.
Although it is not yet at the stage of forest maturity, the pine forest here constitutes a sufficiently articulated and complex place to be colonised by a large number of insect and bird species.
This type of physiognomy of the pine forest is achieved in a very long time. - #VisitCervia - - +39 0544 974400