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Salt Nativity scene on the water

Salt Nativity scene on the water

Nativity scene set up on an old Burchiella, on the canal port in front of the Saltstores

Il Sale prende forma

A life-size nativity scene on the water of Cervia's canal port in the area of the salt warehouses. The statues, representing the Holy Family, Jesus, Joseph and Mary, with the ox and the donkey, built at natural height (1.70 m), are made of fibreglass.

A very evocative nativity scene featuring brilliant salt-covered statues with an evocative play of light. The "salt" statues combine the charm of two Cervia traditions, that of the salt tradition and that of Christmas.

The display, made on the burchiella, the typical flat-bottomed boat used in the past in the salt-pan channels, also includes three salt pyramids, which emerge from the water to represent the importance of the production of the White Gold of the salt-pans for Cervia and its inhabitants.

On 6 January, the Three Wise Men will also arrive on the water to complete the nativity.

 Il Sale prende forma

With Cervia Christmas Family the entire centre of Cervia lights up with luminous structures and trees decorated with low-energy lights.
On the canal port, the Nativity scene on the water marks the entrance to the old Borgo dei Pescatori, with its characteristic illuminated houses.


Cervia Centro Promotion Association


from 8th December 2023 to 7th January 2024


Canal Harbour

Cervia - Via Nazario Sauro



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